Client Love

Intuitive Coaching with Holistic Healing…

“I left with her insight and love.”

"Over the last 5 years, I've seen Kea on occasions when feeling completely overwhelmed physically and emotionally. The after-effects have always been transformative. She spiritually lifts me. 

I've been able to throw the drama off and focus on myself, connecting with my TRUE self to face situations with love and light, and purpose.

My most recent visit was dire in my world.

I left with her insight and love. 

The next day I felt like a new person. Emboldened and ready to take on whatever in a clear-minded and thoughtful way. 

I felt so positive and happy! I stood in my self, my power.

Getting hints from God and the universe, when you stand in your power, the universe is open to answers. You just need to be awake and fearless enough to see and hear them. When I feel lost, Kea has always helped remove the obstacles for me to get back to my spirit. And it's a beautiful thing! 

~ Nicole Carson, Nevada

Intuitive Coaching with Holistic Healing…

“That day I decided to stop all the therapies and medicines I was taking and focus on my healing from the inside out.”

“I was exhausted and almost hopeless. After five years of several doctors, expensive medicines and therapies, and zero steps towards understanding what I had and above all towards my healing, I met Kea. After the first session, I could notice already a small progress towards getting better. At that point, a voice inside of me told me to continue and to trust Kea completely.   That day I decided to stop all the therapies and medicines I was taking and focus on my healing from the inside out. Kea helped me to remove the blockages so that my energy could flow again and in few months and some weekly sessions I regain completely my health. My mind was clear again, I could digest everything and I completely let go that sense of being bloated that bothered me so much. I do not have enough words to thanks Kea for her support in the healing journey.  I recommend Kea to anyone that is ready to find their inner strengths and let go any blockages towards their evolution towards wellness”.

~ Adriana Caliri, Italia

Intuitive Coaching with Holistic Healing…

Now I have more peace than I’ve ever had in my life.”

“Kea is ‘My All Knowing Advisor’ because she taught me how to clear my path to see the possibilities of living a life with clarity, courage, purpose, empowerment, and confidence unique to me. Kea taught me to validate my observations and identify questions. How many of us get the answers and do not apply them? Kea taught me how to connect to my intuition so I could live my authentic life. I also trusted Kea to assist with energetically removing obstacles so I could take a stand for myself, giving me peace of mind as I learned techniques on how to become centered from the inside, out, gain personal power, set clear and well-defined boundaries, and become empowered to speak my truth.  As a result, I choose to embrace, not avoid life and those things happening around me.  Kea showed me how to access the depth of my inner strength and power. Now I have more peace than I’ve ever had in my life.  Kea will help YOU change your life and develop your authentic sense of self, designing and creating the EPIC life you desire to live!”  ~ Heather Corfee, Sacramento CA

Intuitive Coaching with Holistic Healing…

“so curious to see how it would work without telling him”

“My husband was suffering from a shoulder injury, which did not respond to OTC medications, aromatherapy, nor massage.  Kea did energy work on him through me - so curious to see how it would work without telling him - over the course of one hour.   After my session with Kea ended, I asked him how was his shoulder.  He wiggled it around and was perplexed.  He said, "It's great, there's no pain or stiffness!"  Prior to this experience, my husband did not understand my fierce belief in my sessions with Kea.  Now he is a firm believer in the power of energy healing and the positive effect Kea has on our lives.  

Your biggest fan,”

~ Kate, Santa Cruz Ca.

Intuitive Coaching with Holistic Healing…

“Laughter through tears is not uncommon”

“One of the things I love most about working with Kea is her almost angelic ability to heal and to connect to the spaces and time where time and space don't exist, combined with her gritty and uncanny sense of humor. Laughter through tears is not an uncommon event for us during a session, and it always makes me feel loved and understood. Thank you Kea!”

~ Nicole Mark, Fair Oaks Ca.

Love Yourself Everyday Package…

“For me, this Package turned out to be about getting to the meat of what it means to love truly love myself, respect myself, and others.”

“I assumed I would be surrounded by a bubble of love and we would have nothing but good fortune for the month. This is definitely the wrong assumption when purchasing this package. For me, the Loving Yourself Every Day Package turned out to be about getting to the meat of what it means to love myself, truly love myself, respect myself, and others.

Prior to purchasing this package, I was confused about what was happening between my partner and I. Something was missing and leaving both of us feeling lonely. Throughout the month, I felt warm, hot, cold tingling sensations. Sometimes I would feel anger or sadness as I was processing dilemmas. Through a month of processing big emotions, moving energy, we both got to a resolution of how to make our relationship thrive. It was hard. We did the work and allowed the process to get there. I also had a very visceral experience of processing my childhood trauma, tears streaming down my face, thought processes of letting go. I remember feeling much lighter after that experience.

I would highly recommend this experience to anyone at a crossroads in their life and unsure of which way to go. Kea's work is phenomenal and I recommend her to everyone I know. My partner has noticed the changes in me and see how great it has been for our relationship and myself.” ~ Kimberly Wohlsein

Intuitive Coaching with Holistic Healing…

“Ultimately I have reclaimed my spirituality and remembered who I was.”

I have been working with Kea for several years now. I met her during a dark night of the soul phase of my life. She is a guiding light, a healer, an earth angel. She is intuitive and simply magic. I can always rely on her to help remind me of who I really am. Since working with Kea I have reclaimed my own power, my worthiness and parts of myself that were buried deep. Ultimately I have reclaimed my spirituality and remembered who I was. As my work continues and anytime I need a guiding light, energy shift or obstacle moved I know Kea can help guide me. Since knowing Kea my life is exponentially better. I feel better emotionally, physically, spiritually and have accomplished everything I had set out to and now I am on to a new phase. Experiencing how our divine universe supports us is a gift and Kea removed the fog so I could see it clearly and understand how to help and heal myself. It has been remarkable to experience the transformation of not only my life, but my family’s.

~ Destiny Taylor, Utah

Intuitive Coaching with Holistic Healing…

“Kea not only helped me emotionally but also physically. She guided me through the ho'oponopono prayer and I intend to use it daily throughout my life. Being with her for even one session, I feel lighter and in less pain that has been caused by emotional blockages.”

~ Kylie Morley, Portland Or.

TEMPLE in person…

“There is an authentic feeling of sisterhood and divine feminine connection that I have never felt in a workshop or class in the past.”

“My name is Leslie Abrams.

I am 37 years old, I identify as a woman and I am a small business owner ( @yosoycandle Yo Soy Candle). There have been so many times that I knew something was right for me and somehow, I resisted and talked myself out of going or showing up because of fear of the unknown. 90% of the time I push myself to step into curiosity and openness and 99% of the time I am SO glad I nudged myself! Temple is a true gift. It is a tender space where women can be energetically held, nurtured, seen and heard by the other women in the circle. There is an authentic feeling of sisterhood and divine feminine connection that I have never felt in a workshop or class in the past. Even if you are feeling the resistance, scared or anxious, I invite you to be curious and open to this unique opportunity to feel safe and loved while only showing up as YOU. My experience at Temple will never be forgotten and neither will the sisters that showed me so much love.

TEMPLE in person…

“I walked away from the session feeling a beautiful fullness that lingered for days.”

"Kea is a light! She holds space for women to give and receive nourishment. Her energy is so warm and supportive. I attended the inaugural Temple group and experienced it with curiosity and an openness, having no idea what to expect.. Upon entering the room, there was an immediate sense of peace and letting go. There was connection and community—with the earth, myself, and others. I walked away from the session feeling a beautiful fullness that lingered for days. Joy radiating off of my face and walking a little lighter than when I arrived. A gift that I carry in my heart. She reminds us that we are worthy and loved.". With gratitude, ..


TEMPLE in person…

“It’s like stepping into being a young kid again before we made everything seem weird and uncomfortable.”

"I can’t wait for Temple! If you’re on the fence, let me see if I can help you off. Sometimes it feels like everyone’s got some sort of woo woo gathering they want you to come to. Whether you’re a beginner just dipping your toes in or you’ve been on your spiritual awakening and done all kinds of healing work... This event is for you. Kea does an incredible job bringing her kickass personality and so down to earth demeanor to create a safe space amongst her and her team of practitioners. Safe as in, if you’ve never done this before there’s no judgement or leaving you confused as to what’s happening. It’s ok to come as you are and also speak to what you need. It’s so gentle and sweet. It really engages all your senses with dance, singing, laughter, touch, and relaxation. It’s like stepping into being a young kid again before we made everything seem weird and uncomfortable. Total gift to be able to slow down and feel uplifted in this way in this crazy world we live in today. So treat yourself, at least once. You might even like it?" ~ Clarice Connoly

..Grateful and overjoyed heart. @ pieces_Of_reeses thank you

TEMPLE online… 2020

“It was what finally calmed my nervous system when my usual tools just weren't working.”

"Kea's Zoom TEMPLE felt like being pulled onto a lifeboat after flailing at sea. It was what finally calmed my nervous system when my usual tools just weren't working. 

Kea held a beautiful, respectful container that brought me back into my body and made it feel like a safe place to inhabit again." ~ Janette Girod

Peace of Mind Online… 2020

“I can feel energy work from the moment I have entered the zoom call to when I am finished.”

"Peace of Mind is a different experience for me every week. It's like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get. Well... really this is how it works with all energy work. ha! Energy is moved to allow you to focus on whatever needs to be addressed. For me, I have somatic sensations during Peace of Mind, tingly and orgasmic. Sometimes the sensations are very warm and other times it's super cool. I can feel energy work from the moment I have entered the zoom call to when I am finished. At the end of Peace of Mind, I feel more grounded, open and present. I feel the energy work in spurts over the next few days. I have a wide range of emotions from anger, sadness to happiness. I always have something to process that has shown itself since the energy work was completed.

I recommend Kea's Peace of Mind for a weekly reset for you. It is so nice to see what it feels like to be truly present once a week. I look forward to working on ways to make this habit of being present daily." ~ Kimberly Wohlsein

Peace of Mind Online… 2020

“This experience will leave you with feelings of deep inner peace, calm, and the energy to tackle whatever is facing you in this moment.” ~ Carlee Kelly

When you cease to strive to understand, then you will know without understanding. ~ Chinese Proverb