Tending To Your Inner Radiance

Welcome Home My Love

Oxytocin Release, Nervous System Reset, & Embodiment Practices


Tender Enriching Magnificent Powerful Loving Embodiment, for the Benefit of all.

“That which we are longing for is who we already are ~ this insight is the basis for our spiritual exploration in Temple.” Awakening Women

TEMPLE is an invitation …

  • To be in the moment.

  • To show up fully for you.

  • To allow gentle nourishment.

  • To be.

TEMPLE practices tease apart, melt and nourish us as we reveal and reclaim our connected wholeness. The practices help us be present in the moment, be with what arises and come more deeply into our bodies.

While planned and structured, each TEMPLE has a wisdom and organic life of its own which may include meditation and breathwork along with interactive connection through dance, movement, and respectful touch (believe it or not, many people, myself included, find the respectful touch to be their favorite part). The invitation is to gently become aware of the places in ourselves that are like little ice cubes of invisibility, congestion, tightness, and begin and or continually cultivate a capacity to allow energy and feelings to energetically keep moving. Non-agenda, respectful touch is a beautiful catalyst for softening toward a greater opening within and fosters receptivity to our innate wholeness. The TEMPLE practices guide us inward to discover and or remember the existence of our inner wisdom beyond our everyday fears and insecurities.

Through these rich and renewing practices, we begin to learn to navigate our lives with presence and trust our own inner guidance.

There is no more powerful place to do that than in a circle of conscious humans.

For me personally, Temple beckons with a persistent nudge to do me, be me, allow me, and to consciously respect others on their inner journey to do the same.


Women’s TEMPLE is not therapy or a support/trauma group. It is a space where we come and simply be, reflect within, mirror, celebrate, and empower ourselves and one another.

“She is called Yogini because of Her connection with all things as their origin.” ~ Arthur Avalon.

Women’s TEMPLE Stories


"My name is Leslie Abrams.

I am 37 years old, I identify as a woman and I am a small business owner ( @yosoycandle Yo Soy Candle). There have been so many times that I knew something was right for me and somehow, I resisted and talked myself out of going or showing up because of fear of the unknown. 90% of the time I push myself to step into curiosity and openness and 99% of the time I am SO glad I nudged myself! Temple is a true gift. It is a tender space where women can be energetically held, nurtured, seen and heard by the other women in the circle. There is an authentic feeling of sisterhood and divine feminine connection that I have never felt in a workshop or class in the past. Even if you are feeling the resistance, scared or anxious, I invite you to be curious and open to this unique opportunity to feel safe and loved while only showing up as YOU. My experience at Temple will never be forgotten and neither will the sisters that showed me so much love.

Smiling therapist holding smartphone and looking at camera.

"Kea is a light! She holds space for women to give and receive nourishment. Her energy is so warm and supportive. I attended the inaugural Temple group and experienced it with curiosity and an openness, having no idea what to expect.. Upon entering the room, there was an immediate sense of peace and letting go. There was connection and community—with the earth, myself, and others. I walked away from the session feeling a beautiful fullness that lingered for days. Joy radiating off of my face and walking a little lighter than when I arrived. A gift that I carry in my heart. She reminds us that we are worthy and loved.". With gratitude, ..

Van ~ Portland Or.


"I can’t wait for Temple! If you’re on the fence, let me see if I can help you off. Sometimes it feels like everyone’s got some sort of woo woo gathering they want you to come to. Whether you’re a beginner just dipping your toes in or you’ve been on your spiritual awakening and done all kinds of healing work... This event is for you. Kea does an incredible job bringing her kickass personality and so down to earth demeanor to create a safe space amongst her and her team of practitioners. .Safe as in, if you’ve never done this before there’s no judgement or leaving you confused as to what’s happening. It’s ok to come as you are and also speak to what you need. It’s so gentle and sweet. It really engages all your senses with dance, singing, laughter, touch, and relaxation. .It’s like stepping into being a young kid again before we made everything seem weird and uncomfortable. Total gift to be able to slow down and feel uplifted in this way in this crazy world we live in today. So treat yourself, at least once. You might even like it?" ~ Clarice Connoly ~ Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

..Grateful and overjoyed heart. @ pieces_Of_reeses thank you


"I was invited to temple several months ago. I had no idea what it entailed or how I was going to fit it into my insanely busy schedule, but I felt a huge tug in my heart to go. Perhaps because Kea and I made an instant connection and I wanted to support her.  Or maybe it was because I knew I would leave with my cup overfilled. If you've ever spent time with Kea you know how incredible she leaves you feeling. Either way, I showed up in comfy clothes, like instructed, and was open to the experience, albeit extremely nervous.Love, concern, compassion and connection was oozing from the building the minute I walked in the door. It was obvious I was allowed to be vulnerable here. Women shared their joys and pains, hard questions were asked and a sacred space was held for each. It's hard to put into words the deep, therapeutic experience I had that evening but I left feeling incredible, held, loved, and heard for the first time in as long as I can remember.I encourage you to attend Temple. It's an experience like none other.  Any fears you may have of attending will dissipate once you walk through the doors as long as you enter with an open heart." ~ Theresa McNett Richters

Beautiful orchid Oracle healer therapist

Kea Charmak Circle Manifesto

I give myself permission to explore & PLAY on the edge of my comfort zone. 

I am responsible for my own experience.

I will give myself and others, permission to be real, vulnerable, and authentic.  

I will honor confidentiality by not sharing your story outside of circle (anyone else’s story is not mine to tell).

I will not speak negatively or gossip about you to others. 

I will practice not consoling a sister unless she requests it. 

I will ask for support when I need it.

I will listen for and celebrate your unique beauty and gifts. 

I will not hold myself back to fit in because I know all of me is welcome and I will support you in doing the same.

I will speak up when I feel uncomfortable, out of alignment or out of integrity.

I will not try to fix, coach, or heal you. 

I will do my best not to cross-talk, both in group and paired work.

I will honor the Timekeeper, and come to completion when I hear the bell.

I agree to use “I” language.

I commit to being honest and direct with you.

I commit to taking responsibility for myself.

I will ask for alone time when I need it, and it means nothing personal about you.

I will practice not giving unsolicited advice.

I am responsible for my triggers.

(I am inspired by Awakening Women’s Manifesto)

TEMPLE is Tender. Enriching. Magnificent. Powerful. Loving. Embodiment.

For The Benefit of ALL!

Foot bath healing touch healing advisor


What if you walked away from a gathering and felt filled up and deeply connected?

Can you imagine an alternative to the usual, same old same old? What if it were a breath of celebratory fresh air in?

TEMPLE of Renewal and Celebration…

The blessing awaits you. Claim it.

Is it time to celebrate the old and or the new and honor the transformational point of transition?

Through an exploration of what is sacred to you, we will design a personal experience, a TEMPLE just right for you and or yours.

Tender. Enriching. Magnificent. Powerful. Loving. Embodiment., for the Benefit of all.

Meditation rose petals feet lying down

We relate to the circle as a teacher, an alive archetype, a field with an intelligence of its own. Since the beginning of time have gathered to honor the sacred, offering the fruits of their practice back into the circle, as we do now. Just by each one of us showing up fully in our seat, as we are, willing to practice, we co-create this timeless web of healing and awakening weaving through space, through all dimensions, surrounding our Earth and beyond. Every time we practice, we access and feed this well of wisdom for our ancestors, for ourselves and for generations to come.

~   Inspired by Chameli Ardagh, Founder of Awakening Women

Women' circle healing loving touch support

“I walked away from this circle feeling a beautiful fullness that lingered for days.” Van, Portland OR.

Healing touch women's temple in Sellwood park

When sleeping women wake, moutain’s move. ~ Chinese Proverb

“Since the beginning of time, women have gathered in circle for prayer, dance, ceremony, and rejuvenation. Throughout all ages, women have kept this torch of wisdom alive, passing it from generation to generation, and with the help of technology, we can now recognize and support each other across the world.” ~ Awakening Women

Temple July women's circle flowers oracle

TEMPLE online ~ Is On Hold For The Time Being….

… For those of you who are out of town or who prefer being online together please follow this link to Peace of Mind.

It's a dive into personal exhale, ahhhhh... A time to pause and explore, be in the magic of a single breath and surrender to the moment.

Join Me: not at this time

A personal pause for innate nourishing wisdom, creativity, strength, passion and compassion.

"Kea's Zoom TEMPLE felt like being pulled onto a lifeboat after flailing at sea. It was what finally calmed my nervous system when my usual tools just weren't working. " ~ Janette Girod

In these tumultuous times, it is more important than ever to find our roots and our center so we can stay awake and responsive through the storms. Here is one of my favorite grounding practices: Sitting or standing, let your upper body hang forward. Breathe into the stretch in the spine and the neck. Let the head and neck go. Take this opportunity to greet Mother Earth. Here she is, holding you, feeding you, supporting you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Now bring all your presence into the head as if the skull is a bowl and presence is liquid, thick honey filling it completely. Let the head hang heavily as you begin to slowly roll up, vertebra by vertebra. As you begin to roll upwards, the presence in your head begins to flow downwards, and liquid presence fills the pelvic bowl. Roll all the way up and when your body is erect, let presence wash down from the pelvis and into Earth. Feel yourself grounded and fully here.

As you look into the mirror of sisterhood, you begin to see how magnificently unboxable She is.
— Chameli Ardagh