GOOD VIBES Every day

When you know you're supported, it’s easier to navigate in grace.

I welcome you to join me in the bubble of Good Vibes, prayers & meditation.

A gentle yet profound stepping stone on your allowing support journey.

Prayer mudra hands peace happy facing camera

Welcome to a deep and subtle experience. 

At last… 24 hours a day of energetic support.

For years my clients would comment and thank me for the energetic shift they would receive between sessions. Then at some point, I started receiving more than the usual requests for good vibes and prayer from clients and their friends. It always feels like such an honor and privilege when people are vulnerable enough to share their hearts and ask for the support they need.

Now you can receive daily energetic support as I welcome you into my “energetic bubble” and remotely remove obstacles, shower you with good vibes and healing energy for the subtle energy of your day-to-day life.

This “energetic bubble” is unique and attuned to your soul’s deepest need; mending, supporting, and easing your way as you navigate through life changes whether they are celebratory or challenging. Your subtle energy field shifts and you come into greater resonance with divine order. When you know your life is supporting you, it’s easier to navigate in grace.

Are you able to let go and pay attention at the same time? Know that you are supported and shifts are in the workings of your day-to-day as a result of this partnership.

Portrait of beautiful therapist holding smartphone and dancing in front of at camera.

This offering applies in so many ways and on so many levels, it’s hard to narrow down for a description…

So if you’re…

  • Anticipating some challenges for a particular week or month.

  • Anticipating an exciting event or new chapter in life and would like a little extra.

  • You would like me to have your back.

  • You intuitively know this is right for you.

  • It’s time to soften the edges during a time of stress, fear, and or overwhelm.

Why wait to do you?

Kea Portland Or dance for joy love

Practices and practical

suggestions to support you in the *bubble*.

Gather your tool kit:

  • Journal

  • Candle

  • Relaxing playlist

  • Dancing playlist

  • Good Organic Chocolate

  • Something in the vein of a heating pad or hot water bottle.

  • Cozy Blanket

Daily in your Journal:

  • A sentence a day.

  • F

    ive things you are grateful for and what makes you grateful for them. Keep it as simple as being grateful for each breath.

  • The words, I deeply receive Love and Support.

Just saying Yes to yourself begins to align you with a greater felt sense of support, benevolent shifts and allows you to breathe a bit easier knowing you’re not alone.