Intuitive Life Coach & Holistic Healer

Are you ready to feel more empowered?


Based in Portland Oregon







Tender Enriching Magnificent Powerful Loving Embodyment

~ Pronoia ~ The universe is conspiring for our good. ~

Hello and welcome, my name is Kea Charmak and I am a

I am a Remover of Obstacles, a Catalyst for Change, and a Conduit for Light.

Let me know how may I help you?

If you’re feeling drained and depleted from…

  • Divorce/Relationships

  • Mid-Life Unraveling

  • Physical Pain

  • Feeling Stuck

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

… and you’re ready to reclaim personal power and traction in your life, book a 30 min.

Complementary Connection Call with me here.

Come As You Are.

When we work together, anything is possible.

Frequently Asked Questings


    Water or herbal tea is a bonus.

    You may want to take notes. I always recommend a journal. Even one you’re currently using.

    Be comfortable.

    Pick a safe private place if we are working remotely.

    Kleenex never hurts.

    A pair of clean socks for in-person sessions.

    Looking forward to our time together.

  • Being in the process with me is organic and tailored to each individual. That being said, there are some common threads. There are times when we will:

    Sit or lie down in silence

    Talk openly and transparently

    Move and laugh till tears run down our cheeks

    Breathe, imagine, create

    I am listening and sometimes it’s not to your words.

    I feel you and know your magnificence.

    I will remind you of how brilliant your light is when you forget.

    I will be gentle and honest and it may not always feel that way.

    Remote sessions are just as effective and often more convenient.

    The energy typically continues to move for weeks after a session with me.

  • As an Intuitive Life Coach, I am a professional who helps you shift your life, develop and maintain momentum, and support you to align with greater ease. By incorporating energy work, love, coaching, and intuitive guidance, we are able to address the blocks that are holding you in unsupportive patterns. Together we will help your systems come into greater balance as we develop and strengthen your bandwidth to live more fully into your the life you desire.

  • As Einstein said, Energy is all there is.

    All matter starts out as Energy. As Energy begins to slow down, it becomes thoughts. Slower still, Energy in motion becomes emotions, then sensations. These sensations could be experienced as discomfort or pain until Energy slows down enough to become matter. This matter is what most of us are focused on. As beings, an Energetic shift is required for matter to change… and when energy changes, you change and so much is possible in that shift.

    Within the request for help, healing is already taking place.

    “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” ~ Albert Einstein

  • There is a Divine law regarding how we influence or affect each other Energetically. It is the alchemy that is activated when two or more come together.

    More Coming Soon…

Here’s what a few people have said about doing sessions with me.

Light work and healing shells with feather.

“From the first moment I met Kea I knew there was something special about her. I had no idea at the time her vast  scope of knowledge and intuitive abilities. Very shortly I realized that I was in the presence of a very dynamic healer, an old soul and a very very wise woman.
Kea is no nonsense and is absolutely devoted to love. Sessions with her are like being with your best friend, your wise grandma and your sister all at once.
She has this almost uncanny ability of taking things that might look seemingly complicated or messy and distilling the truth.
She is such an advocate for living your best life and I trust her wholeheartedly.
She is phenomenally talented and  can help with so many things  from health issues to emotional crisis to shifting patterns in your life to transitions and I'm sure much much more.

She is also exceptionally gifted at holding space for ceremony/ritual with groups. This woman is truly a gem !”

~ Leah R. Carmel Valley, CA

Portrait of pretty Caucasian therapist in elegant dress and smiling while standing at modern office.

“Before I went to see Kea my life was very different. I felt like I was walking around under my very own personal rain cloud. It's pretty hard to feel positive about anything when you're living under a raincloud. It's also pretty lonesome- nobody really even notices you under there. (Especially when you are using it to hide yourself.) Kea helped me remove that cloud, and my life is full of sunshine now. I am warm and happy and moving forward in my life... And no longer hiding my sunshine from people!”

~ Amber in Sacramento Ca.

Portrait of handsome young smiling therapist holding smartphone and looking at camera.

“Okay, it's really hard to describe how Kea does her magic... But the results have been pretty amazing.
I am not new to energy work, or personal coaching or any combination of them. I have been a relationship and intimacy coach for couples for over 25 years and I have seen a lot... And she still stands out.
I originally saw her for a pain in my back and hip that wouldn't go away. I had tried chiropractors, acupuncture, massage, and sitting in hot tubs and nothing helped as much as one session with her.
But the really big breakthrough happened when I started looking at some past family issues that have been with me almost my whole life. In just a couple of sessions she helped me left go of some past pain around my father's critical alcoholic behavior and my older brother's physical abuse.
I highly recommend Kea if you want to let go of the past and create a breakthrough for your future.
By the way, we did this over zoom.”

Paul S. Carmel Valley, CA

“Kea Charmak, thank you! Your work has really helped me to fully step into my purpose. You have been so committed to empowering me and helped me stay out of the co-dependency cycle I have experienced with other practitioners. I love that you, so quickly, got to the root of my blocks and helped me have so much more grace and ease in my life.”

~ Tanya, Costa Rica

“If you’re always trying to be “normal” you will never know how amazing you can be.” ~ Maya Angelou

Kea Charmak Blowing Kisses Milwaukie Oregon

Together we will bring you into alignment with your highest good and greatest potential.

I clear the non-supportive energetic root of an issue or symptom, and attune you to neutrality at the multidimensional and, many times unconscious levels, to produce subtle and often dramatic results.